How much weight should you lose?

This is how much weight you should lose

How much weight should you lose? As much as you want. But wait, there’s more.

Your doctor already told you how much weight you should lose

Remember a minute ago when you read this post about your weight loss journey beginning at the Doctor’s Office? You went, right? Cause you should consult a physician before this kind of major change. Hopefully, you guys had a nice chat and she told you how much weight was reasonable and how quickly you should expect it to come off and you wrote all that down.

Now we use that information and do some math

Not a lot. Trust me, if I had to do real math my head would explode. But a little math won’t kill us. You need to have some data, like how much weight you and your doctor determined is appropriate. Let’s say it was 50 pounds.

Now you need to know the rate you and your doctor decided was doable. Was it 5 pounds a month? Ambitious. But doable.

Finally, when are you going to start? Today? Next Monday? Pick the day and do this math right here:

Just kidding. I hate math. Go to this calculator online and figure out your end date. Mine is March 2, 2023.

That’s one pound per week, which is how much weight you should lose

If you want to lose 50 pounds by March 2, 2023. One pound a week is not crazy. It’s an achievable goal, which is really important. If you were aggressive and set a huge goal of 2 pounds a week, you’d burn out before you got halfway there. Unless you’re a marine or half robot.

So now we know a few things and knowledge is power

We know the following:

  • How much weight we plan to lose
  • The rate at which we will lose that weight
  • The day we will accomplish that

Now it’s time to move on to the next step:

Author: bullgarlington