weight loss mission statement

You need a kick-ass mission statement, now

WRITE A MISSION STATEMENT. Before you start your weight loss bujo, you need to know why you’re doing it. It’s not enough to just say “I want to lose weight”. It’s just too vague, too nebulous. Your motivation has to pop. It has to be crisp. Precise. Clean. And, more than anything, honest.

You must be honest with yourself

You’re going to write this thing down every day as it leads you forward into your journey. Your mission statement is your flag of war. It has to be stirring. Emblematic. Obvious.

But writing a mission statement is no piece of cake. Just ask the millions of small business owners who have to turn one in to get a loan. It’s the kind of business writing that will make you go bald. But it can be done if you understand how. And you are in luck since I am a writer-type person for my job and I can write the heck out of a mission statement.

A perfect representation of a writer-type person.

But hang on, wait just a minute, before I help you write a mission statement

I need a little help from you. It’s not much, just the usual thing where you sign up for my newsletter which is an important feature of this website. See, the newsletter keeps you connected to this community and you need that connection. A mission statement is vital. It’s super-important. But so is community. Maybe we’ll never meet in person, but we’ll talk here in this space. And you’ll meet people just like you who are on the same journey. Maybe in different places, maybe far ahead of you, maybe right next to you at the starting line.

No matter where they are, your compadres are here for you—and you for them.

So sign up using this form. It will bounce you over to my incredible step-by-step guide to writing the perfect weight loss mission statement and getting yourself launched on this amazing journey.



Author: bullgarlington